9·30国际翻译日 语言桥祝所有翻译从业者节日快乐
发布时间:2020-09-30 15:32




  今年,是特殊的一年,对于翻译工作者来说也尤为如此。故此,国际翻译者联合会(International Federation of Translators;Federation International des Traducteurs,简称FIT)将2020年的国际翻译日主题定为“Finding the words for a world in crisis(在危机世界中寻词达意)”。


  ▲ FIT2020年国际翻译日主题海报(图源:FIT网站)


  Celebrate International Translation Day (ITD) 2020 with our winning poster design for this year’s ITD theme: Finding the words for a world in crisis.


  Our profession has been pivoting rapidly to keep up with changing realities and expectations, and the importance of our work to ensuring clear information reaches everyone and overcoming language barriers – both global and local – has been highlighted in unprecedented ways this year.


  Translators, terminologists and interpreters provide crucial services both on the front line and behind the news in crisis situations, so let’s celebrate our contributions amongst ourselves as well as provide the general public with information about our work.


  This year’s ITD poster competition received a record of 46 entries. The winning design came from Liza Gunenko and captures the importance of unity and solidarity to counterbalance the looming crisis. More information about her is to follow soon on the FIT website and social media.

  今年的国际翻译日海报竞赛,我们创纪录地总共收到了46张海报设计,最终的获奖者为Liza Gunenko。她的海报设计体现了在对抗渐行渐近的危机中团结一致的重要性。

  This year, let us celebrate ITD as never before. Join together, while keeping a safe distance, in whatever way you can. Download the poster and share it to promote your celebrations.


  To all our members, we say, stay safe. Working together, we will overcome the challenges ahead.


  Each year, translators, interpreters and terminologists celebrate International Translation Day on 30 September, the feast of St. Jerome. A unifying theme is chosen each year and a competition is held to design a poster for FIT members to print and use to promote the day and join together in celebrating our professions.


  In 2017 we achieved an historical milestone for all professional translators, interpreters and terminologists, with the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopting Resolution A/RES/71/288, recognising the role of professional translation in connecting nations, and fostering peace, understanding and development. In the same resolution, the United Nations General Assembly declared 30 September to be UN International Translation Day, celebrated across the entire UN network.
